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07 SEPTEMBER 2021 Apex Legends

How Apex Legends boosting can make you a better player

Every Apex Legends player encountered boosted players in their games at some point, players that simply aren’t nearly as skilled as the average player in that rank. You may have heard popular streamers say: “Damn this guy is boosted” or “Is this guy boosted or something?” to players that they beat with ease. In general, boosted players are usually associated with negative comments in the Apex Legends community. However, we believe that boosting can help every player improve in many areas of their gameplay, and in this article, we’ll share all of the ways Apex Legends boosting can help you become a better player.

Spectating the booster’s games

We kick off our discussion with an option that many reputable boosting sites offer which is the option to spectate your booster live while he boosts your account. It’s needless to say how much this can help you improve because you’ll be able to see a professional player destroy all of his competition in front of your eyes. 

This feature becomes especially useful if he plays your favorite legend in the game, which then ends up as a free coaching session for you. Realistically, it’s like you’re watching a Twitch stream of a pro player, except that you’ll be watching a booster that is beating players that you failed to beat. The biggest positive is that you’re going to be introduced to numerous mechanics that boosters use to sweep their games efficiently and consistently. Buckle up and start taking notes because spectating your booster will make you a much better player as a result.

Playing with your booster

The second useful option that boosting sites offer is the feature that allows you to pair up with your booster and start wrecking games together. The most obvious benefit that arises, apart from simply watching the booster smack up your opponents, is the fact that you’ll be able to voice chat with him and learn a lot of useful mechanics and techniques boosters use to win their games faster. Furthermore, it’s simply much more fun to play alongside your booster instead of just waiting for your account to hit the rank you’ve wanted. Last but not least, you’ll also be given a lot of free room to play more aggressively and freely knowing that your teammate is someone whose job is to dominate Apex Legends games.

Playing with better players will help you improve

In Apex Legends, just like in life, you’re only good as the players you’re surrounded with. If you’re playing every game with players that are skilled at the game, or just simply better than you, you’ll start adopting and implementing some of their good gameplay habits. 

Once you get boosted into a better rank, instead of being afraid of playing against better players, you should challenge yourself and enter every game with a positive mindset. Every game should be approached as a new learning experience as you’ll be able to learn a lot of tricks from your teammates and your foes. Especially pay attention to the players that are playing your favorite legend and how they use his/her abilities and move around the map. If you’re afraid that you’re going to drag your team down and act as a liability, simply pick Lifeline and you’ll be useful without even trying. Take your time and soak up every little thing your teammates and opponents do in your games.

After you’ve played in higher elo for some time, you’ll feel that you’ve gained a better understanding of the game, as well as improving with your favorite legends as well. It may take time

Apex Legends ranked badges

Voice chatting with skilled teammates 

We’re very fortunate that Apex Legends comes equipped with an in-built voice chat that helps us communicate better with our teammates in-game. This feature becomes especially useful if you’re a boosted player that’s surrounded by players who are much better at the game than you. At that point, you simply need to stay quiet and listen. You’ll be surprised how much you can learn by listening to your teammates’ commands and tips. Even if you’re getting flamed, keep your voice chat on and keep soaking up that sweet knowledge. After some time, you’ll start doing the things you’ve been previously instructed by your teammates without even thinking about it. 

Discord calls with top-tier players  

Before and after each game, if you’re playing in the higher echelons of Apex’s competitive play, there is a high chance you’ll get invited to various Discord servers with other high elo Apex players. The most obvious benefit of being in those servers is the chance to regularly talk to seasoned veterans of the game who can share some of their secrets that got them to the rank they’re currently at. You could tune into their Discord streams and share screens as well and use that as another platform where you can gain knowledge of the game. Additionally, you can ask for a one-on-one coaching session with the best players on the server. Who knows, you could also end up chatting with some of the e-girls that always lurk on servers like those.


Taking all of what we’ve talked into account, boosting does not just increase your rank and make your Apex badge shinier. Throughout the boosting process, you’ll be able to learn a lot of useful mechanics by spectating or playing with your booster. However, the real fun begins after you’ve gotten your new rank, once you get matched with skilled teammates and opponents that will elevate your game to a new level.

If you’ve finally decided to push your game to the next level, make sure to check our Apex Legends boosting services at unmatched prices.

MyBoosting is the #1 Rated Boosting website in multiple games, we provide 24/7 Customer Support, Competitive Pricing and Blazing Fast Boosting.