If you’re someone who’s been browsing Apex Legends boosting services as of late, you may have found yourself shocked at some of the incredibly large price tags on these boosts. Additionally, the price often largely varies depending on the type and size of the service you’re purchasing, which can sometimes come across as confusing and nontransparent. If you’re someone who’s purchasing a boost for the first time, it’s vital to know all of the factors that determine a boost’s price tag so you can know what you’re actually paying for and whether it’s worth it. That’s why we’ve decided to take a deep dive into all of the details that make an Apex Legends boost as expensive as it is and how you can get the best deal for yourself.
The boost size
The first, and the largest factor that determines the cost of your boosting service is the size of the boost you’re purchasing. Naturally, the more work that someone has to put in, the bigger the cost. If you’re buying a badge boost, it’s only logical that the Master of All badge boost costs a lot more than something like the Fully Kitted or a Long Shot badge because the booster has to spend more time grinding out badges that are more difficult to obtain. Similarly, if you’re buying a ranked boost, the price of the boost will vary depending on the desired Apex Legends rank you’re going for. If you want to push your rank from 0 to 18000 or even 20000, you’re going to have to cash out a four-digit paycheck, as that type of service takes a couple of weeks to complete and a lot of hard work and dedication from the booster and the staff.
The type of your boost
Initially, a lot of Apex Legends-oriented boosting sites only offered ranked boosts and win boosts which are the most basic boosting options you can purchase. However, as the game aged and the player base increased, websites have started introducing new boosting options such as level boosting, kill boosting, badge boosting, and even coaching. Consequently, the boosting option which you end up choosing in the end will highly determine the price you’re going to have to pay. On average, a single level worth of boosting will cost less than most other special offers that the website has to offer, as it’s the most simple boosting method to execute.

The booster you choose and their reputation
Another factor worth mentioning is the qualifications of the booster and how precious their time is. There are a lot of Apex boosting websites that allow you to handpick the booster that’s going to boost your account. Logically, if you’re going to pick the elite boosters that are best in what they do, the price will significantly increase because their time is more valuable and their service is top-notch. Generally, the boosters receive anywhere from 30%-70% of the total fee you pay for the boost which means that their reputation and notoriety largely affects the price you’re going to pay. However, that does usually guarantee a swift, clean boost, using the best legends with no errors involved. Last but not least, remember that some of these boosters work in boosting full-time. Many boosters that work in this business for a living work anywhere from 6-10 hours a day and boosting is their primary source of income and their main professional occupation. Taking that into account, the money you pay makes a lot more sense since you’re paying for someone’s full-time salary.
Active customer support and staff
This factor that often gets overlooked when paying for a boosting service is the fact that you pay for the entire service that’s provided by the website, not just for the booster. For example, the main service that you pay for once you purchase an Apex Legends boost is active customer support. You essentially pay for a person to always be active on a platform in order to answer any questions you have and help you in any way you require.
Furthermore, the portion of the fee you pay goes to the website itself as it acts as a middle man in the transaction between you and the booster you choose. The work that a boosting website conducts cannot be overlooked because they connect the best boosters in the business with customers that require their services. Finally, they enable a safe transaction between these two parties by using secure payment methods such as PayPal or Skrill.
How to get the best deal for yourself
Last but not least, let’s talk about how you can get the best Apex Legends boosting deal for yourself.
The most important thing you can do is to browse various Apex Legends boosting sites to see which one provides the most affordable deal. Some sites have cheaper prices on certain offers than others and vice versa. Take your time to find the best deal for yourself while keeping in mind that you have to have to buy your boost from a reputable website that won’t scam you. Furthermore, look out for discount codes on that website that can save you money up
Taking all of that into account, there’s no reason not to check out our boosting services that are tried and true with the best prices for Apex Legends boosting you can find on the market!