If you’ve already caught up on all of the ways in which you can improve your early game strategy, you came to the right place. In this article, we’ll tell you just about everything you need to know about playing the mid game correctly in the TFT in Stages 3 and 4, as there are a lot of crucial decisions you have to make in order to reach the top 4 spots and get some sweet LP.
Entering the mid game
The main focus when closing out Stage 2 and entering Stage 3 is to define the identity of your strategy.
In TFT Set 5, there are a lot of scaling strategies that use other team comps in the early game until they unlock their powerful units and transition to their main goal in the mid game. On the other hand, maybe you just had poor luck and you’re stuck with a lot of useless units that you won’t use in the future. Depending on your items and units available, you should adapt and eliminate any leftover units from team comps you’re not planning to use later on.
Another factor worth noting is to play with the items you’re given in a game and adapt accordingly. For example, if you have a lot of Swords rather than Rods, you might want to build a hypercarry comp around an ADC and abandon the Mage comp you were trying to build earlier on. The economic decisions that you make moving on will vary on the type of team comp you’re playing.
Mid game for normal comps
If you’re not trying to reroll hard and your strategy depends on finding 4 cost and 5 cost units, then you’re playing a normal/value team comp. Normal comp these days revolve around finding crucial 4 cost and 5 cost carries which tie their team together and create a strong synergy on the board. You can achieve this by hitting Level 8 as soon as possible when you have the highest chance to find the aforementioned units.
When you play this type of strategy, your focus shouldn’t be on rerolling, but rather on staying healthy while maintaining a strong board presence/econ. Ideally, you want to have at least 40 gold when entering Stage 4 in order to pull this off.
Depending on how the game’s going, you can either play passively or aggressively. If your board is strong enough to match other players and you have a lot of 2 star units that are hardly upgradeable, you might want to save up your gold until level 8 and wait for the right opportunity to invest. In contrast, if you’re on a win streak and you’re looking for units to improve your board further, you might want to invest in slower-paced rolling and buying other units you need. All of this also relies on the items you have and the power of the rest of the lobby.
In general, you’ll be hitting your level 8 at early stage 5, depending on your gold investment up to that point. Keep in mind that your gold investment when levelling up depends on your:
Depending on those factors, you’ll be levelling up sooner or later in the game.
Mid game for reroll comps
If you’re playing a reroll comp, you need to make a decision on whether you should hyper roll or slow roll. If you were playing the scaling strategy properly, you should have around 35 gold at the time of making this decision. TFT Coaching would help you a lot in improving in your decision making as well.
Hyper rolling in the mid game means that you’ll be re-rolling until you find the 3 cost units you were going for, sometimes until you have no gold left. This is an extremely risky move to make because there is a chance you won’t find the units you were looking for and you’ll be left with no gold and your econ ruined. However, the upside is that you might find the units you were searching for, upgrade your team comp and take over the game. Additionally, by taking out some units from the unit pool, if those units are contested, you reduce the likelihood of another player getting them if they start rolling after you do.
On the other hand, slow rolling is a strategy you can start implementing once you hit 50+ gold by rolling every turn until you hit the 50 gold margin. By not exceeding the 50 gold limit and pushing for a more aggressive roll, you ensure the stability of your economy. The downside of this method, however, lies in the fact that you’ll be playing with a weaker board throughout the early game, and that other players have the chance to steal the units you were trying to get for yourself.
There are a couple of factors you should consider before going for either option:
How much HP do you have
How much gold do you have
How contested are the units you’re looking for by the rest of the lobby
How strong is your team comp at that moment and can you survive if you don’t hyper roll
When does your comp power spike the hardest and when should you reroll
As you can see, there are a lot of factors that you should take into account before making these decisions. Always try to scout the rest of the lobby, how they’re doing and what they’re playing, and make the decisions based on that. This could all be sometimes hard to process, which is why we released our TFT Boosting service to handle all of these information for you and you just have to enjoy your rank!